Excited to have gotten some great deals on Gis, Rashguards, and more at Rollmore.com/ BJJHQ! Check out my BJJ gear haul!

Constantly buying jiu-jitsu gear isn’t feasible unless you are rich or have a sponsorship for a martial arts brand that is going to constantly provide you with gear (I envy the lucky ones out there and hope to be one of them in the future). So, when there’s a sale for any kinds of gi, rashguards, spats, etc. I will jump on it. Rollmore/BJJHQ had a gi flea market and I was so excited to be able to make it. The company is right by my house so I knew I was going to make sure I had time and money for it.
What is BJJHQ.com and Rollmore.com?
If you don’t know about Rollmore and BJJHQ, then here’s a little bit about the companies. Rollmore.com is a jiu-jitsu gear company that sells all kinds of brands of jiu-jitsu gear and I think they also sell some striking and grappling stuff as well. What makes them a bit different than other companies is that you can purchase a gi from them and if it doesn’t feel right or you just don’t like it, you can send the gi back for a full refund, within a certain time period of course.
BJJHQ.com is a deals site where they will feature one item per day with a discount. For example a gi that normally costs like $150 dollars will cost $70 dollars for 24 hours. They have a limited number of sizes or products that they sell so once the size is out, then it’s out and you’ll have to purchase it somewhere else for full retail price. The also run something call rolling deals where for 24 hours they will feature a new product every hour or until it’s sold out. I got my first gi outside of my academy gi for BJJHQ, which was a black fuji gi that I unfortunately gave away in Shanghai when I moved.
The Gi Flea Market
Sometimes, on a magical day, BJJHQ/Rollmore will have what they call a “Gi Flea Market” where it’s a warehouse blowout and the company is trying to get rid of old inventory, prototypes, or one-off products. So, the products are DEEEEPLY discounted. So, for example, you can get a Gi starting at $35. Every time they’ve had a Gi Flea Market I was in Shanghai, and they don’t do it online, so I made sure I was there bright and early.
There were so many people there. A lot more people than I expected but it was nice to interact with people, make some friends, and see some old friends that I haven't seen in years since I moved away.
I went there with a budget of $200 and told myself not to go over (I did anyway… I couldn’t help it! My self-control goes away with great deals. But after purchasing three gis, a few t-shirts, and some spats and rashguards, I think it was a steal.
Let me share my haul with you!
BJJ Gis:
Gold Label 93 Brand Gi in Green

I actually didn’t want to get 3 gis but this gi kind of stuck out at me because if its color and the softness of the gi. Also, I've become more traditional with gis and now have mostly white and one black gi. This comes from me training at Bushido jiu-jitsu gym and them expressing they prefer people training in white gis there. Also come on, I'm Black Girl, White Gi, gotta be on brand haha. I picked up the gi and was in love with the texture. One guy near me said that he owned it and it was his softest most comfortable gi. I really like the mxi of orange and green too. The pants look a little tight but hopefully they will be able to fit. The gi is in F4.

93 Brand Kitsune Heroes Gi

After buying this gi, I realized that most of my gi collection is now white gis but you can never go wrong with white gis. I like the design of the bag and I like the way the tag and inner flaps looked with the Japanese style artwork. I purchased this gi in an A2 as that I thought the women's sizes might run small.

Venum Competition Gi in Pink and White

Honestly, I’ve never owned a Venum gi, but I have borrowed one before and it didn’t really feel the best (maybe because it was borrowed). But I did like the pink and white of this one because it reminded me of my Fuji Sakura Gi which is my absolute favorite gi and the one I bought after I got my blue belt. I purchased this gi in size F4.

93 Brand Brasil Rashguard/ 93 Brand Choking Hazard Rashguard

These rashguards are legacy rashguards in my eyes. I’ve always wanted the choking hazard rashguard but for some reason I never bought it (I think it either was sold out or I just didn’t have the money for it. So, when I came in and saw it hanging, I grabbed it right away.

I owned the Brasil rashguard before and got it when it was the 2014 world cup but because I wore it so much, it got worn out and ripped eventually. That made me sad. I lucked out because my new friend Rafael picked up two of them, one in my size and kindly offered me it.
Grips Rashguard

Long sleeve rashguards are always great to have and I saw this one, liked the colors and it had this weird mesh design on the back, so I figured why not.
Rebel Spider Rashguard

Another long sleeve rashguard. Just liked how stark the spider image was on the rashguard. It’s a bit scary actually and I like that. It's a bit tight but fits.
Fuji Purple Short Sleeve Ranked Rashguard

I don’t have any competition rashguards for no gi so this was definitely a good find. I did have a VHTS purple one that was quite expensive that fell from my window when I was hanging my clothes and lost forever *sadness*
BJJ No-Gi Spats and Shorts
93 Brand Women's Grappling Shorts

It’s hard to find shorts that fit me, so it was nice to find these ones. They are a bit small, but they fit.
93 Brand Green Grappling Spats

I am a spats fiend, and this pair of spats matched the brasil rashguard. Coped it!
Venum Black and Pink Grappling Spats

Just liked the bright pink and black and it was the opposite of the gi. Can't have too much pink.
2 pack of spats (didn’t see the brand name)

The fact that it was a 2 pack should tell you everything. AND I got charged as one. Steal! But they seem a bit small so maybe a slight waste. We’ll see when I try them on.
BJJ Apparel
I got a few awesome BJJ t-shirts from Inverted Gear, 93 Brand, Hyperfly, Tatami, and Ground Fighter that you will definitely see me wearing on my YouTube Channel! All these brands have really interesting t-shirts so I was excited to get some for 5 bucks.
This was nice haul and I know I don’t have to buy anymore gear for a while. When you can, it’s always nice to stock up! What are some of your favorite bjj/martial arts brands and why? Share with me on Instagram @blackgirlwhitegi_bjj